This bouquet comes in a range of colours and will be a unique and joyful addition to any space. Whether they are for a loved one or to bring a touch of color to your own home, snapdragons are a brilliant choice.
Long stem gorgeous roses into the box is still the best way to make romantic gift for somebody special.
Our professional White Iris florists would be happy to create beautiful hat box arrangement by fresh season flowers.
Pastel colors beautiful spray style arrangement in white container available in different colors on your choice. Sizes:Standard: H = approx. 18cm; Hat Box Diameter: 15 cmMedium: H = approx. 20cm; Hat Box Diameter: 18 cmLarge: H = approx. 25cm; Hat Box Diameter: 23 cm
You choose colors, florist - flowers. Choose color of your arrangement and White Iris florist will create a beautiful gift by season flowers.
You choose colors, florist - flowers. Choose color of your arrangment and White Iris florist will create a beautiful gift by season flowers. Sizes:Medium: H = approx. 20cm; Hat Box Diameter: 18 cm Large: H = approx. 25cm; Hat Box Diameter: 23 cm